Friday, August 27, 2010

Emily Fields

Emily Fields. Emily has always been very insecure. When Ali was alive, she called Emily Killer because she was so protective of Ali. The truth was that Emily had a crush on Ali, and one time in Ali’s tree house, they kissed. Emily wrote Ali a love letter that showed up from -A later on in the series. A new girl moved into Ali’s old house. Her name was Maya and Emily hung out with her a lot and they kissed. A had pictures of Emily kissing Maya and leaked it to the whole school. When Emily’s parents found out they sent her to a place to help her overcome her feelings for girls. It did not work so Emily was sent to live with her over conservative aunt and uncle. The first night there, Emily and her cousins snuck out of the house to go to a party, where Emily danced with a girl. The next morning her aunt and uncle found out and asked the kids what was going on. Emily’s cousins blamed it on her, and she went back home. After that her parents were really excepting of Emily.
Emily later gets a text from -A- and Emily asks her how she can save Ali. -A tells her to dress in an Amish outfit and go to a specific Amish town. Emily believes she will find Ali there. But when Emily gets there, she finds out that Darien Wilden grew up there and moved to Rosewood during Rumspringa. 

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